
View Standards

The View Standards tool allows you to search for Standards, Key Ideas, and Performance Indicators by Grade Level, Subject Area, or Course (High School only).

1. Select your Subject Area or Course from the dropdown box. Note that there may be multiple active standards sets per subject; please select the most relevant option from the menu. 

Select Grade Level and Subject Area selection screen with dropdown box highlighted

2. After you select a Subject Area, two additional dropdown boxes may appear, depending on your selection, allowing you to select Grade Level and Standard if you wish. Click Search after entering your criteria.

Select Grade Level and Subject Area selection screen with addition drowndown boxes

3. Your search results will display, showing the Standard(s), Key Idea(s), and Performance Indicator(s) related to your search. Next to each result, you will find icons allowing you to work with the standards in a variety of ways.

Standards search results

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